General Practitioners Aotearoa

Waiata kotahi – Singing as one

Lend us your voice today

We are your independent organisation, by GPs, for GPs

We are here to advocate for GPs. It’s a big task, representing all of the diverse views influenced by the communities GPs live in and serve, and we want your help shaping the future of primary medicine in Aotearoa New Zealand.

GPs share many common goals and concerns, with each other and with other members of the medical community. General Practitioners Aotearoa is an opportunity to make your voices heard and represented in the places where decisions are made.

General Practitioners Aotearoa is a single united organisation that truly represents general practitioners.

A photo of a GPA-branded Ultrascope stethoscope.

Support GPA with an Ultrascope

This stethoscope employs an acrylic stethoscope head that blocks out more ambient noise than a metal-headed stethoscope. Acrylic doesn’t conduct sound vibrations the same way. If your young patient is crying, you’ll still hear your target.

All proceeds go towards the running costs of GPA charitable organisation.

Ka puta to wairua nui i te whenua, ka tū tahi tātou

We come together in strength

We are General Practitioners Aotearoa.
We are your independent association.
We are by GPs, for GPs.
We are bringing primary care into the future.
We are preparing the future for primary care.
We are speaking on your behalf.
We are representing your interests.
We are keeping you informed.
We are empowering.