General Practitioners Aotearoa

General Practitioners Aotearoa (GPA) is a membership organisation for GPs in Aotearoa New Zealand.

We launched in 2023 with the purpose of representing GPs and doctors working within general practice, to represent our interests, and give voice to the issues that impact our work, our practices, our communities and the patients we serve.

We are funded by our membership, and rely on the support of general practitioners to advocate for general practitioners. As a peer-led independent organisation, we will receive no funding from any government sources and are therefore entirely dependent on membership fees to run GPA. By GPs, for GPs.

Board members


Interim Chair

Buzz completed general physician training in the United Kingdom before coming to New Zealand as a respiratory research fellow and lecturer for the University of Otago.

The opportunity of rural hospital medicine and primary care was too irresistible, as was the South Island’s West Coast, occasionally the Chatham Islands, and then remote rural hospital and general practice in Western Australia followed.

Unexpected achievements include Lecturer of the Year in Dunedin 1993, and runner-up New Zealander of the Year in 1997.

In 2012, Buzz established a semi-rural general practice in Renwick, near Blenheim, and was the doctor for the chronic pain service in Nelson.

He is currently a pain specialist in Auckland, and regional coordinator and senior lecturer for the University of Otago Rural Medical Immersion Programme.

He is a very slow ocean swimmer and a Harley rider – (hopefully not at the same time).

After the liquidation of the NZMA, the serious need for an advocacy group for doctors working in General Practice was created. With a fantastic and dedicated team, General Practitioners Aotearoa has been established. Buzz is interim chair of this new organisation.

Dr Jocelyn Wood – FRNZCGP

Interim Deputy Chair

Jocelyn is a GP partner at Nelson East Family Medical Centre in Nelson, and the clinical director of Community Mental Health Te Whatu Ora Nelson Marlborough. She is also a Primex senior examiner and GPEP1 teacher.

She has previous experience as a member of the NZMA Board the GP Council, as well as a member of the Clinical Governance Committee for the Nelson Bays PHO.

Dr Api Talemaitoga – FRNZCGP

Interim Secretary

Dr Api Talemaitoga is a general practitioner in Christchurch and Auckland. He is practising at Normans Road Surgery in Christchurch, and in July 2015 he started at a new practice, Cavendish Doctors at 175 Cavendish Drive in South Auckland.

Dr Talemaitoga has been a member of the National Health Committee and led the work on the management of long-term conditions. He worked in the Pacific both as personal physician to Fijian leaders and, more recently across the Melanesian and Polynesian region facilitating access to specialist services in New Zealand and other countries. Dr Talemaitoga also served on the Board of the Canterbury District Health Board from 2000 to 2001. He was chief advisor, Pacific health at the Ministry of Health from 2008 to 2013.

Apart from clinical practice, Dr Talemaitoga is also on the Board Etu Pasifika, ACC Health Services Committee, and works two days a week for the Transition Unit, assisting in delivering on the health reforms for Pacific communities.

Dr Marcia Walker – FRNZCGP

Interim Treasurer

Marcia is a fellow of the GP College and current sessional GP in Auckland, and previous practice owner. Marcia has held multiple positions within GP leadership organisations including previous executive member of NZRDA, past board member of the New Zealand Medical Association and current board member of the Auckland Faculty for the RNZCGP.

Dr Ari Pfeiffenberger – FRNZCGP

Interim Board Member

Dr Ari Pfeiffenberger is a GP working in Wellington. She is a Fellow of the RNZCGP and is currently an interim board member for GPA. She works as a sessional GP and in urgent care. She has a background in health policy and research and is interested in how we can design health systems to improve health outcomes for our communities and create happy, sustainable workplaces. 

When not working she loves getting outdoors with her young family or baking sourdough bread.

How we got here


New Zealand Medical Association (NZMA) formed


Social Security Act 1938

Primary care privatised by general practitioners.


Royal New Zealand College of General Practitioners (RNZCGP) formed


New Zealand Resident Doctors’ Association (NZRDA) breaks away from NZMA

Association of Salaried Medical Specialists (ASMS) soon follows suit in 1989, leaving GPs stranded.


Department of Health becomes the Ministry of Health

Area Health Boards are disestablished, and Crown Health Enterprises (CHEs) are formed.


Medical Practitioners Act 1995

Doctors must become Fellows of a college in order to be considered specialists.


Primary Health Care Strategy

This Ministry of Health strategy is aspirational, but disappointing in its implementation.

May 2022

Dissolution of the NZMA and GP Council

Simultaneously, GP workforce numbers are in decline, with an inability to fill College registrar placements. There is a need for role substitution and expanded scopes to other providers in order to deliver care to communities.

June 2022

Formation of the General Practitioners Aotearoa planning group

February 2023

General Practitioners Aotearoa (GPA) is incorporated

The organisation launches at the Rotorua GP CME in June 2023.

Contact us

For membership enquiries, media requests and general information, please email info@gpaotearoa.co.nz.