Who are all these organisations representing GPs? A resource for media and doctors

We often get asked: what’s the difference between GP Aotearoa and GenPro? Where does GPNZ fit in? … and similar questions.

Each of the four main organisations representing GPs in Aotearoa New Zealand fills a very different role. Here is a quick guide to understanding what they are.

General Practitioners Aotearoa logo

General Practitioners Aotearoa (GPA)

We are a membership organisation for doctors working as GPs. We represent GPs, and nobody else. We represent GPs who own clinics, those who don’t, those who are fully qualified, and those who are in training. Membership is voluntary.

We are also entirely independent and do not receive funding from government or other outside sources.

Organisation type:Not-for-profit membership organisation
Members:General practitioners (family doctors)
Funding:Membership fees from GPs

General Practice Owners Association of Aotearoa New Zealand (GenPro)

GenPro acts on behalf of, and represents General Practice owners to ensure their population health services are appropriately supported and that their businesses are sustainable. Members include GPs who are practice owners, and also non-GP owners and corporate owners.

GenPro and GPA have differing memberships, and differing goals. We have a Memorandum of Understanding to work together to achieve our overlapping goals for the benefit of the GP profession.

Organisation type:Not-for-profit association of business owners
Members:Practice owners (including GPs and non-GPs)
Funding:Membership fees from practice owners

The Royal New Zealand College of General Practitioners (RNZCGP)

RNZCGP is the organisation that trains GPs and rural hospital specialists in Aotearoa New Zealand. It also sets the standards for safe practice and provides opportunities for fully qualified Fellows to continue learning.

Almost all GPs practicing in Aotearoa New Zealand are registered to RNZCGP, though some may be practicing as GPs while registered to another college, or engage in ongoing education through a medical education programme.

Organisation type:Medical college
Members:General practitioners (family doctors)
Funding:Membership fees, training fees, New Zealand Government

General Practice New Zealand (GPNZ)

GPNZ represents 24 primary health organisations (PHOs) in Aotearoa New Zealand. PHOs are regional organisations that distribute government funding to GP practices. PHOs also coordinate healthcare with their members, run health promotion campaigns and provide other support to clinics such as IT and software.

GPNZ works constructively and collaboratively with government and a wide range of health organisations. GPNZ does not directly represent GPs or GP practices.

Organisation type:Not-for-profit association of PHOs
Members:Primary health organisations (regional health coordinators)
Funding:Membership fees from PHOs