1 Year GPA Membership

$95.00 + GST / year

Become a member of General Practitioners Aotearoa and lend your voice to the many. Gain access to members-only areas, join the discussion, and support us in our mission to advocate for GPs. More details below.

I agree to becoming a member of General Practitioners Aotearoa (GPA) and to receive communications by email regarding the organisation's activities. I understand that information supplied on this form is privileged and will not be shared with third parties without my permission. As a member, I agree to the rules of the organisation as set out in the constitution and understand that these rules may be amended at the organisations AGM from time to time. I agree to paying the membership fee, (for 2023 this is $95 + GST) or if my circumstances are constrained, and I am unable to pay the full amount, to contribute a koha as agreed by the incumbent board. I understand a tax invoice will be provided to me by email on receipt of my membership application, and issued annually thereafter to maintain membership. I understand that I can withdraw membership at any time by written notification.

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To confirm your membership, we require your signature that confirms you agree to the terms and conditions of membership above. Please either upload a photo of your signature here, or click here to head to another page where you can sign online. Please come back to this page afterwards to complete your membership purchase.


Become a member of General Practitioners Aotearoa.

This is the first time in living history that general practitioners have created an organisation that will represent the profession by giving us our own united and independent voice.

  • Members are eligible to vote in the Board election for their representatives, who will shape policy.
  • Members are eligible to be nominated for Board positions.
  • Members will have a constitutionally protected voice with a clear process of how that voice is represented.
  • As the organisation grows in strength, so too will our ability to offer new membership benefits.
  • We will have the strength to do and offer more. But right now, we need you to help us get there.