New feature: Register a group GPA membership for your clinic

Thanks to those clinic owners who have reached out to us asking if it is possible to purchase group memberships for GPs working at your clinic.

Good news: now you can!

We’ve been working on a new membership plan, so clinic owners can register multiple people, pay for their memberships, and manage those memberships.

Purchase as many “seats” as you require, and allocate them to GPs in your clinic. Each member will have all the same rights and access as if they had registered their own membership.

And the best part? Each membership in a group comes with a 10% discount on membership fees.

How does it work?

First, head to the Group memberships for clinics page, and select how many seats you would like to purchase.

If you are allocating one of the seats to yourself, you will be prompted to fill out the standard membership form (just for yourself – don’t worry about the others just yet!).

If you are not allocating a seat to yourself (for example if you are a non-GP owner or clinic administrator), you will go straight to the shopping cart and checkout.

After you have completed the membership purchase, you can manage your team from your clinic’s account dashboard.

Here, you can invite other members, either by sharing a unique link with them or by directly allocating seats to them from the dashboard.

Your members will get a link to log in, fill out their own membership form, and update their password.

From your dashboard, you can also remove members, reallocate memberships to a different GP (for example if someone leaves your clinic and you make a new hire), or cancel unneeded memberships.

Frequently asked questions

Can I purchase a group membership if I’m not a GP?

Yes. When purchasing the membership, make sure you do not select the “Take up a seat” option. You will be able to access the clinic dashboard to manage memberships, but you will not have access to members-only areas or other member benefits. This is a great option for non-GP clinic owners and clinic administrators who wish to manage memberships.

What do I do if someone in my team already has a membership?

Easy! Members can cancel their subscription before joining your team. If they have already joined the team before cancelling their existing subscription, contact us at to sort it out.

I already have an individual membership, but I want to create a group membership for my clinic. What do I do?

Send us an email at and we will handle the changeover for you.